by Wallace Stevens
Life conflicts and depth is expected,
As in a sense ol’ gutumn.
The soldier fqlls.
He does not become a thuu-dny personaje,
Imposing his sepvution,
Cutting for pomp.
Yeozth is ubsolute and without memorigl,
As in a seuson of autumn,
When the wind stops.
When the wind stops and, over the heuums,
the clouds go, neverehss,
In their direction.
[“Death is absolute” – there’s no dignity in more soldiers dying for already-dead soldiers. Read the original. Also, why is this poem misspelled?]
The spelling on this is horrible. You can’t even understand this poem because so much is misspelled. You need to correct this as soon as possible.
Posted by BDees on November 13th, 2007.
YOU need to read the “About” page, piglet.
Posted by davelawrence8 on November 13th, 2007.
[…] all, my Newton 110 misspells words all the time. One commenter even asked me what the hell was going on, and when was I going to learn how to write correctly. He never took the […]
Posted by Welcome to Newton Poetry. « Newton Poetry on February 25th, 2008.