Wondering what that error code your Newton just spat at you means?
Wonder no more, thanks to UNNA’s NewtonOS Error Database, a searchable reference that lets you look for your error code by number, description, or comments from other users. There is also a drop-down list where you can browse error codes by category, like “Data Link Layers” and “Serial Tool.”
Thanks to Matthew Reidsma on the Newtontalk list for the link. Joel over at Inventor’s Emporium posted a Newton eBook of all the OS 2.x error codes, too. Handy!
I thought Apple stuff had no errors?
Posted by steveballmer on August 5th, 2008.
Not so many errors that you want to, say, downgrade to Newton XP.
Posted by davelawrence8 on August 6th, 2008.
Posted by steveballmer on August 9th, 2008.