January 5th, 2010
Tony Kan has posted his annual Newton year in review, a nice wrap-up of the big stories of 2009.
He’s also kindly posted an archive of past developments for those who missed them.
Apple may have given up on the Newton platform, but the news keeps coming.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:11 am on January 5th, 2010. Categories: community, newton. Tags: 2009, eMate, messagepad, my apple newton, news, newton, review, tony kan. Subscribe via RSS.
September 3rd, 2009

Jeff Hohner posted pictures from this summer’s Worldwide Newton Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Above is event organizer Ryan Vetter introducing Larry Yaeger.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:02 am on September 3rd, 2009. Categories: community. Tags: 2009, conference, larry yaeger, newton, pictures, ryan vetter, WWNC. Subscribe via RSS.
August 11th, 2009
The Worldwide Newton Conference 2009 took place over a week ago in Vancouver, BC, and John Coady at the NewtonTalk list offers his observations from the weekend’s festivities:
Larry Yaeger gave us a fascinating glimpse into the development of the Newton and, of course, the work that he spearheaded on the second generation print recognizer – which was based on the use of artificial neural networks – that made Newton OS 2.x so incredibly better than the original (non-Apple) version. We were shown some of the original Newton prototypes and development/testing equipment (I hope that one day these end up in a suitable exhibit in Apple’s own museum). Larry then took us on a short stroll into Polyworld where he currently explores the further application of neural networks, and their various properties, in artificial life systems (to me it looks just like a straight extension of his work on the Newton!!!).
Sounds like a blast, despite the low turnout.
I couldn’t make it, unfortunately, but WWNC organizer Ryan Vetter has posted materials from the conference at the WWNC 2009 site.
[Ed. note: I had “Dennis Coady” when it should have been “John Coady.” Sorry about that, John!]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:13 am on August 11th, 2009. Categories: Uncategorized. Tags: 2009, messagepad, newton, vancouver, worldwide newton conference, WWNC. Subscribe via RSS.