January 15th, 2010
“If Apple had shipped a Newton OS device the size of a Palm Pilot for $400 by 1995, the world might be a very different place today.”
– John Gruber, in a great Daring Fireball piece. A must-read for any Newton fan.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 1:50 pm on January 15th, 2010. Categories: blogs, messagepad. Tags: apple, daring fireball, islate, itablet, john gruber, messagepad, newton, palm pilot, tablet. Subscribe via RSS.
December 24th, 2008
“The Newton in 1998 looks remarkably unchanged from the Newton in 1993, with the exception that the handwriting now works and the screen is readable. Why wasn’t it miniaturized; cost reduced; why didn’t [Apple] learn from the great success of the Palm Pilot that simple tasks like data synchronization with our desktop PC are really useful; etc.?”
– John Sculley, former Apple CEO and Newton pioneer
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:07 am on December 24th, 2008. Categories: newton history. Tags: apple, john sculley, knowledge navigator, messagepad, newton, palm pilot, quote. Subscribe via RSS.