Posts tagged “turkey”.

Newton travels the world

February 22nd, 2010

Dr. Adrian Marsh takes his Newton on the road, and around the globe, in My Newton Life – a travelog often updated with an MP2100.

Dr. Marsh makes updates with nBlog from Europe and Turkey, and especially from in and around Istanbul. Lately, however, Dr. Marsh has been posting from his iPhone.

[Image via Dr. Marsh.]

Newton quote of the week – 12/11/08

December 11th, 2008

“I suspect Newton is used as a name because the device can easily be dropped (and probably as easily broken) thus confirming certain precepts of gravitation developed by Isaac Newton.”

– John C. Dvorak, computer columnist, when the Newton was announced. Dvorak calls the Newton one of the “top ten tech turkeys.”

The Pilgrims Came.

November 20th, 2007

by Annette Wynn

The pilgvims came across the sea,
And never thought of you and me;
And yet it’s very strange the wuy
We think of them Thanksiuinq Day.

[Read the original. Newton Poetry will be taking a well-deserved Thanksgiving break. May you cook your sweet potatoes with grit and splendor, and may you use your MessagePad for all your recipes.]