Posts tagged “value”.

The Mac’s value fraction

May 12th, 2009

Seth Godin on price in a recession:

Of course, people actually care more about value. They care about value more than they used to because they can’t afford to overpay, they don’t want to make a mistake with their money.

…The thing is, there’s another way to make the value go up. Increase what you give. Increase quality and quantity and the unmeasurable pieces that bring confidence and joy to an interaction.

When all of your competitors are busy increasing value by cutting prices, you can actually increase market share by increasing value and raising benefits.

I’d call iLife, superior build quality, and innovation values, wouldn’t you? And those “unmeasurable pieces” are what Apple specialize in.

In PC makers race to the bottom price-wise, they lose a lot of what makes owning a computer so special: the “confidence and joy” Godin mentions.

AAPL stock crash? Two words: ouch

September 29th, 2008

Read here.

I’m floating at about half the value I was back in January. Not cool.

What I wonder is, if analysts have been predicting lower sales numbers for months now, are their predictions finally coming true? How will Christmas turn out? Will I ever get my money back?

Whatever. The rest of the market has been beat up, too, so I can’t feel too bad. How are your stocks faring?