Andrew Kim has a lovely collection of Apple’s “white period” Macs over at his blog, Minimally Minimal:
The designs of this age were so calm, warm and pure, despite the brutally honest and analytical design. I especially love the way the clear layer interacts with the opaque white inner shell.
Agreed. And while Kim includes the G5 iMac in his Mac trio, I’d throw in the lovely harbinger (along with the eMac) iMac G4.
The current aluminum lineup of Macs makes for good design as well, but “white” says “Apple” to my mind. And I’ll always favor white Apple products: the iPhone, iPods, etc.
It’s not always a practical design choice, as Kim points out. A lot of these Macs show their age because of smudges and scratches. I think it’s worth it, to have that gleaming white machine brightening up a room.
Another of my favourites in Apple’s white period was the iMac G3 Snow. If one day I have enough room for more vintage Macs, that’s definitely the model of iMac G3 I’d acquire.
Posted by Riccardo Mori on July 10th, 2013.
Good pick!
Posted by davelawrence8 on July 12th, 2013.