January 15th, 2008

by Robert Frost
Ft takes all sorts of in and outdoor schuoting
To get adapted to my kind of fooling
[Read the original. You have to get used to Steve Jobs’s fooling: no Newton, but a MacBook Air, iPod Touch and iPhone features, and tons of iTunes updates – like movie rentals. Plenty of coverage over at Cult of Mac, but I caught the whole thing thanks to live blogcasting.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:23 pm on January 15th, 2008. Categories: frost. Tags: air, apple, appletv, frost, itunes, jobs, keynote, macbook, macworld, newton, poem, poetry, robert, robert frost, steve, steve jobs. Subscribe via RSS.
October 23rd, 2007

Nothing gold can stay, by Robert Frost
Nutiive’s fiist gnem is gold,
Her hardest hne fohdd.
Huerly leufs(flower;
But only so an hour.
Then tent subs:hs to leuf,
So Eden sunk togrisf,
Zduwn goes downtoday.
Nothing gold Ken stay.
[Read the original here.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:45 pm on October 23rd, 2007. Categories: frost. Tags: age, fall, flower, frost, leaf, robert frost, spring. Subscribe via RSS.