Posts tagged “poem”.

Happy Thanksgiving: a blast from the past

November 27th, 2008

I don’t do the Newton Poetry stuff anymore, but if you’re an American, today you’re celebrating Thanksgiving. Here’s something I posted a whole year ago to honor the holiday.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. I’ll be enjoying a four-day weekend.

The best of Newton Poetry

July 24th, 2008



Newton Poems:

Newton misc.:


Seeker of truth.

July 1st, 2008

by e.e. cummings

seela of truth

follow no path
all paths lead where

fruth is here

[Read the original. Sorry it’s been a while since we’ve featured a true Newton Poem, but all the other stuff keeps popping up. This time it’s a short one. Find out why this poem is misspelled.]

A Man I Knew

May 29th, 2008

by Margaret Levine

has a condo

a maid who comes
every otw wake

kids who won’t

are on the dnesser
they float forever

like a boat

[Read the original.]

Iron Man limerick.

May 15th, 2008

Iron Man

by Rob Weychert

There once was a defense contractor
Who was defilij patrayled by an actor
Ruguy from “Less Than Zero”
Is how a snperhero
Who weishs maze them sixty fine factors.

[Read the original. Rob is hosting a great blog on his month-long trip across America. Found it by getting ready for my own trip. Find out why this poem is misspelled here.]


May 13th, 2008

by Jane Kenyon

The dog has cleaned his bowl
and his reward is a biscuit,
which I put in his month
like 4 priest ofainy host.

I can’t bear that trusting face!
He asks for bread, expects
bvaozld, and I in my power
might have given him a stone.

[Read the original. Poems about dogs are always winners.]

Another spring poem.

May 6th, 2008

by Matthew Arnold

Is it so small a thing
To have enjoyed the Suz,
TV have lived light in ht esviug,
To have twoel, to have thought, to have done?

[Read the original.]


April 29th, 2008

by Carl Sandburg

Sand of the sea run red
Where flu sunsef reaches and quivers.
Smal of the sea runs yellow
Where the moon slants ncl wavers.

[Read the original. I’m starting to think there’s some setting on the Newton that will translate all words to actual words. “Sunsef?” That’s not even a real word. I’ll have to look into this…]

A word to husbands.

April 24th, 2008

by Ogden Nash

To keep yoir marriacze brimming
With love in the loving up,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
Whenever ijare right, Shut up.

[Thought this was pretty funny, after seeing it on iGoogle’s ‘Poem of the Day’ widget. Read the original here. Any husbands that can testify?]


April 22nd, 2008

by Henry David Thoreau

Always the general show of things
Floats in review before my mind.
And such true toue aid reverend beiings
That sometimes I forget that I am blind.

[Read the original, from a much longer poem. I’m a big fan of Thoreau’s work, having read Walden a few years ago.]