July 10th, 2012
Nitro, a simple task management/todo list app for Linux with Dropbox or Ubuntu One sync.
It also comes in the form of a Chrome extension (with a Firefox version due once the Mozilla Marketplace opens for business).
Seriously, after using Todoist for a few months, I switched full-bore today to Nitro
On the surface, it looks and behaves like Things for Mac: projects, drag-and-drop to-do items, automatically-generated Next Steps – lots of good GTD stuff that Todoist never gave me.
I’m using the Chrome version at work on Windows. It gives me just the right amount of flexibility and agility to get all my stuff in order. Visually, it’s just what I was looking for.
The Chrome extension is a free install, but I loved it right away and chipped in a few bucks. They give you the full functionality of the app right from the get-go – something Todoist never did. I think that’s worth rewarding.
And the Dropbox syncing is something I’m going to try, especially on the go for work stuff.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 12:22 pm on July 10th, 2012. Categories: GTD. Tags: app, chrome, extension, nitro, things, todoist, work. Subscribe via RSS.
February 4th, 2009
Shawn Blanc, in his review of the Mac and iPhone versions of Things:
I don’t think the new spins on productivity software are because we have yet to witness the creation of the Ultimate App and Workflow. These unique and diverse apps are being written because people are unique and diverse.
Each of us has our own way of dealing with responsibility and our own expression of productivity. Tinkering and then switching is usually not the fault of the software. We’re not looking the best app, but rather the best app for us.
I use the desktop version of Things, and have since the 0.8 beta version, and I love it. I haven’t purchased the iPhone version yet, however, but plan to in the near future. Of all the things that are most Newton-like about the iPhone, it’s Thing’s sync-ability between the iPhone and Mac apps that most excites me.
Since Apple can’t get off its dead ass and provide iCal to-do syncing, leave it to third parties to fill the gap.
And Shawn is right: I’ve tried a few to-do apps, and none have really caught on. Things caught on, and I think it’s because it gloms onto whatever your style is. Hardcore GTDer? Scatterbrained lightweight? Things is for both of you.
[Via Daring Fireball]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:29 am on February 4th, 2009. Categories: GTD, software. Tags: desktop, GTD, iphone, mac, sync, things, to do. Subscribe via RSS.