Turns out you can do some blogging with your Newton and a keyboard, even these days.
Holden Scott over at This Old Mac writes:
Writing articles… well, this is a joy to do. With the Newton keyboard, it is easy to write in Newton Works’ word processor. I simply import to my computer and copy and paste the text into WordPress. It even has a spell checker. In fact, I almost prefer working in Newton Word over Apple Pages.
Holden filed that post with his Newton 2000 and keyboard. I can imagine doing the same thing with an eMate or any other MessagePad with a good keyboard. Scribbling a blog entry with a stylus? That’s a little trickier…
And don’t forget about microblogging. The Newton is a swell platform for posting your daily tidbits via your Twitter account as well.
Posted by Grant Hutchinson on November 22nd, 2008.
This is just sad!
Posted by steveballmer on November 23rd, 2008.