January 11th, 2011
More and more of the Newton-related web is disappearing, but Forrest Buffenmyer at Newton Phoenix is trying to keep some of it alive and well in the minds of MessagePad fans.
Buffenmyer added a links page to his Newton Phoenix site, sporting everything from software sites, the Newtontalk list, and even a pair of Newton bloggers (ahem). He’s attempting to post updates from his Newton, which he says is a work in progress.
Meanwhile, I invited Buffenmyer to scour my own Newton Links page for anything he could use.
“I drew the line (arbitrarily) at 2006 as a cutoff year,” Buffenmyer told us in the Newtontalk mailing list.
It’s important to save all these sites, as UNNA, Tony Kan, myself, and several others have attempted to do. There are still folks out there who want to tinker with the Newton. Let’s help them find all the good information they can find.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:11 am on January 11th, 2011. Categories: newton history. Tags: 404, archive, messagepad, newton, newton phoenix, websites. Subscribe via RSS.
October 15th, 2008
2001 wasn’t all that long ago. Thanks to Google’s month-long anniversary project, we get to explore what the web was like seven years in the past.
Head over to Google (with an exclamation point!) as it was in 2001, and you can search the web as it was then. The results shown are pretty remarkable, considering the iMac G3 was the newest consumer Mac available, the iPod hadn’t been released yet (not until September of that year), and we had a brand new president.
Google provides archived versions of web sites, which allows us Newton users to explore some of the long-gone Newt web resources.
The Newton Source, above, is now a link squatting site. But back in the day, I’m sure it was a pretty handy resource for MessagePad software.
During my Newton links project, I’ve found so many sites that have disappeared. But thanks to Google’s 10-year anniversary search site, I can dig back in time and find out what the Newt web looked like only four years after development stopped.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 11:30 am on October 15th, 2008. Categories: community, newton history. Tags: 2001, anniversary, archive, google, internet, messagepad, newton, search, sites, web. Subscribe via RSS.