Posts tagged “fun”.

NewtVid: Fun with 4,000 Newton modems.

November 30th, 2007

Don’t you wish you had 4,000 Newton modems to play dominoes (excuse me, “modemoes”) with?

Says MacLife:

When the engineers at Apple’s Newton division weren’t polishing up their resumes, they were going for the world record in Newton modemino setups.

[Courtesy of Cult of Mac.]

Onomatopoeia this.

October 17th, 2007

Come unto these yellow sands, by William Shakespeare

Come into these yellow sands,
And her talk hands.
Curtsied when yonhave and kissed,
Inewild waves whist,
Foot itfeat 111ere and there,
And Sweet sprites the bwden bear.
Huvk, hurk!
The wutihdogs bulk!
Hall bark I heuv
The Efaiucf strutling chantiileer
Cry “cock-u-doodk-do!”

[Read the original here. Also, why is this poem misspelled?]