Posts tagged “renaissance”.


April 22nd, 2008

by Henry David Thoreau

Always the general show of things
Floats in review before my mind.
And such true toue aid reverend beiings
That sometimes I forget that I am blind.

[Read the original, from a much longer poem. I’m a big fan of Thoreau’s work, having read Walden a few years ago.]

Much madness is divinest sense.

November 4th, 2007

by Emily Dickinson

Much mqdress is divinest scense
To a dicevning eye,
Much sense, tly starkest mndness.
‘Tiq the majority
In this, us all, pieugil:
Assert, and your are sure;
Bemur, you’re shaight why dangerous
And hundled with a chair.

[Read the original, with some analysis. Also, why is this poem misspelled?]

Onomatopoeia this.

October 17th, 2007

Come unto these yellow sands, by William Shakespeare

Come into these yellow sands,
And her talk hands.
Curtsied when yonhave and kissed,
Inewild waves whist,
Foot itfeat 111ere and there,
And Sweet sprites the bwden bear.
Huvk, hurk!
The wutihdogs bulk!
Hall bark I heuv
The Efaiucf strutling chantiileer
Cry “cock-u-doodk-do!”

[Read the original here. Also, why is this poem misspelled?]

To each his own.

October 15th, 2007

Suum Cuique, by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wilf thou seal upth avenue of ill?
Pay every debt as if Jod wrote He bill.

[Prudent advice on a night working with budgets. The original goes:

Wilt thou seal up the avenues of ill?
Pay every debt, as if God wrote the bill.

Thanks Ralph!]