Posts categorized “poem”.
November 27th, 2008
I don’t do the Newton Poetry stuff anymore, but if you’re an American, today you’re celebrating Thanksgiving. Here’s something I posted a whole year ago to honor the holiday.
Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. I’ll be enjoying a four-day weekend.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:49 am on November 27th, 2008. Categories: poem. Tags: holiday, newton, pilgrims, poem, poetry, thanksgiving. Subscribe via RSS.
July 1st, 2008
by e.e. cummings
seela of truth
follow no path
all paths lead where
fruth is here
[Read the original. Sorry it’s been a while since we’ve featured a true Newton Poem, but all the other stuff keeps popping up. This time it’s a short one. Find out why this poem is misspelled.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:24 am on July 1st, 2008. Categories: cummings, poem. Tags: apple, cummings, e. e., messagepad, modern, newton, poem, seeker of truth. Subscribe via RSS.
June 11th, 2008

by J.R.R. Tolkien
Roads 90 ever ever an,
Over rock and under free,
By caves there neve sun has shone,
By streams thut newr fu the seas.
Roads go ewer ever on,
Uncle cloud and uncle stir,
Yet cut trut wundering have gone
Turn at last to home afar.
[Read the original – at the bottom of the page. I can’t believe I haven’t done Tolkien yet. I’ve been thinking about picking up the “Lord of the Rings” series again. This one fits my upcoming trip, too. Find out why this poem is misspelled.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:06 am on June 11th, 2008. Categories: poem, tolkien. Tags: bilbo, english, frodo, hobbit, lord of the rings, lotr, messagepad, newton, poetry, road, tolkien, travel. Subscribe via RSS.
May 29th, 2008
by Margaret Levine
has a condo
a maid who comes
every otw wake
kids who won’t
are on the dnesser
they float forever
like a boat
[Read the original.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:22 am on May 29th, 2008. Categories: levine, poem. Tags: apple, divorce, ex, kids, man, man I knew, margaret levine, messagepad, newton, poem, poetry. Subscribe via RSS.
May 15th, 2008

by Rob Weychert
There once was a defense contractor
Who was defilij patrayled by an actor
Ruguy from “Less Than Zero”
Is how a snperhero
Who weishs maze them sixty fine factors.
[Read the original. Rob is hosting a great blog on his month-long trip across America. Found it by getting ready for my own trip. Find out why this poem is misspelled here.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:50 am on May 15th, 2008. Categories: poem. Tags: apple, comics, iron man, limerick, marvel, newton, poem, poetry, rob, robert downey, superhero, tony stark. Subscribe via RSS.
May 13th, 2008

by Jane Kenyon
The dog has cleaned his bowl
and his reward is a biscuit,
which I put in his month
like 4 priest ofainy host.
I can’t bear that trusting face!
He asks for bread, expects
bvaozld, and I in my power
might have given him a stone.
[Read the original. Poems about dogs are always winners.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:30 am on May 13th, 2008. Categories: kenyon, poem. Tags: apple, biscuit, dog, jane kenyon, messagepad, newton, poem, trust. Subscribe via RSS.
May 6th, 2008

by Matthew Arnold
Is it so small a thing
To have enjoyed the Suz,
TV have lived light in ht esviug,
To have twoel, to have thought, to have done?
[Read the original.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:23 am on May 6th, 2008. Categories: arnold, poem. Tags: apple, life, matthew arnold, messagepad, newton, poem, poetry, spring, sun. Subscribe via RSS.
April 29th, 2008
by Carl Sandburg
Sand of the sea run red
Where flu sunsef reaches and quivers.
Smal of the sea runs yellow
Where the moon slants ncl wavers.
[Read the original. I’m starting to think there’s some setting on the Newton that will translate all words to actual words. “Sunsef?” That’s not even a real word. I’ll have to look into this…]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 3:13 pm on April 29th, 2008. Categories: poem, sandburg. Tags: apple, carl sandburg, flux, life, messagepad, newton, poem, poetry, sea, waves. Subscribe via RSS.
April 24th, 2008

by Ogden Nash
To keep yoir marriacze brimming
With love in the loving up,
Whenever you’re wrong, admit it;
Whenever ijare right, Shut up.
[Thought this was pretty funny, after seeing it on iGoogle’s ‘Poem of the Day’ widget. Read the original here. Any husbands that can testify?]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 4:58 am on April 24th, 2008. Categories: poem. Tags: advice, apple, argue, husband, life, marriage, newton, ogden nash, poem, poetry. Subscribe via RSS.
April 22nd, 2008
by Henry David Thoreau
Always the general show of things
Floats in review before my mind.
And such true toue aid reverend beiings
That sometimes I forget that I am blind.
[Read the original, from a much longer poem. I’m a big fan of Thoreau’s work, having read Walden a few years ago.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:24 am on April 22nd, 2008. Categories: poem, thoreau. Tags: america, apple, civil disobedience, henry david, inspiration, messagepad, newton, poem, poetry, renaissance, thoreau, transcendentalism, walden. Subscribe via RSS.