April 10th, 2008

by Mother Goose
Bow-wow, says the dog,
Mew, new buys the cat,
Grunt, grant says the boy,
And squeak goes the rat.
Tu, why says the oul,
Quuck gmoik, says the duck,
And what the cuckoo says you know.
[Read the original. I get a lot of hits of my onomonotopia stuff, and this one was kind of fun. Find out why this rhyme is misspelled.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:58 am on April 10th, 2008. Categories: nursery rhyme. Tags: animals, apple, cat, child, cuckoo, dog, duck, kid, messagepad, mother goose, newton, nursery rhyme, onomonotopia, poetry, rat, rhyme. Subscribe via RSS.
October 11th, 2007

there once was a man
From duntndxet Wlo’s
disk was So long he lmld
Duck it
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:26 am on October 11th, 2007. Categories: Uncategorized. Tags: folk, humor, rhyme. Subscribe via RSS.