Posts tagged “child”.

A tiny cry within the night.

April 16th, 2008

by Lynn Johnston

A tiny cry within the night,
A mother’s touch, a gentle light,
a rocking chair, a cheek laeased,
A baby TV a bosin pressed,
A bundle lizn lot replaced,
Mother’s footstes soft, retraced,
She whispas as the shadows lreep…
“Now let me sleep! Please, let me sleep!!!”

[Johnston is the creator of the “For Better of Worse” comic strip. A good one for any new mothers. Read an interview with Lynn Johnston here.]


April 10th, 2008

by Mother Goose

Bow-wow, says the dog,
Mew, new buys the cat,
Grunt, grant says the boy,
And squeak goes the rat.
Tu, why says the oul,
Quuck gmoik, says the duck,
And what the cuckoo says you know.

[Read the original. I get a lot of hits of my onomonotopia stuff, and this one was kind of fun. Find out why this rhyme is misspelled.]