Posts tagged “link”.

Using your Newton with Linux

June 24th, 2009


Here at Newton Poetry, there is One Supreme Operating system, and therefore most posts relate to the Newton interacting with the Mac environment.

I realize, however, that there are other operating systems out there. And, while I’m not a user, I respect that Newton fans can be Windows and Linux users. With Windows, there are tons of tips and how-tos on how to make connections and upload packages and whatnot. Sadly, we don’t hear as much from the Linux side.

Let’s put our operating system differences aside and help Newton users be better Newton users, shall we?

To start, I found the Newton and Linux mini-HOWTO, a site filled with questions and answers (like “How to upload a Newton package to Linux” and “Which Linux software is available”).

Some of the info seems to be dated. For instance, the author talks about Windows-emulating WINE to be a project slated in the future tense. Plus a few of the links are dead. But the basics are all there.

To get connected, there’s Newtonlink.  There are a few more Linux applications for the Newton over at TuxMobil.

Then again, you can always replace Linux on your PDA with the Newton OS. I’m just sayin’.

Any Linux users out there that have successfully paired their Ubuntu with a MessagePad or eMate? Let me know in the comments.

MacSurfer traffic: the difference a link makes

May 28th, 2008

Thanks to the MacSurfer traffic

What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday’s post on garnered some welcome attention from We’re pretty small-time around here, resting easy in the 50-75 visits per day.

But 280? Cripes! That sets the new record for one-day visits at Newton Poetry.

This is the second time MacSurfer has graced us with their linkage (the first from my environmental piece), and we appreciate it.