October 14th, 2010
“In the same way, I’d rather get a computer that didn’t require any maintenance and simply allowed me to do productive work. I’d like to have something to show for all of my clicking and typing instead of simply making information balloons go away. I’d rather write an article for this site than type my serial number again. I’d rather search the internet for interesting or entertaining information to read instead of looking for the solution to an obscure problem for which I only have a useless generic error message. I just want things to work.”
– Marco Arment
Posted by davelawrence8 at 5:37 am on October 14th, 2010. Categories: macs. Tags: apple, computers, linux, mac, marco arment, windows. Subscribe via RSS.
June 24th, 2009
Here at Newton Poetry, there is One Supreme Operating system, and therefore most posts relate to the Newton interacting with the Mac environment.
I realize, however, that there are other operating systems out there. And, while I’m not a user, I respect that Newton fans can be Windows and Linux users. With Windows, there are tons of tips and how-tos on how to make connections and upload packages and whatnot. Sadly, we don’t hear as much from the Linux side.
Let’s put our operating system differences aside and help Newton users be better Newton users, shall we?
To start, I found the Newton and Linux mini-HOWTO, a site filled with questions and answers (like “How to upload a Newton package to Linux” and “Which Linux software is available”).
Some of the info seems to be dated. For instance, the author talks about Windows-emulating WINE to be a project slated in the future tense. Plus a few of the links are dead. But the basics are all there.
To get connected, there’s Newtonlink. There are a few more Linux applications for the Newton over at TuxMobil.
Then again, you can always replace Linux on your PDA with the Newton OS. I’m just sayin’.
Any Linux users out there that have successfully paired their Ubuntu with a MessagePad or eMate? Let me know in the comments.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:00 am on June 24th, 2009. Categories: DIY, newton, PDA. Tags: link, linux, mac, messagepad, newton, operating system, OS, serial, tux. Subscribe via RSS.
June 25th, 2008
If you’re looking to…gulp…replace your Newton, Nokia’s N800 may just be the portable PC you’re looking for.
This according to a review/comparison over here that gets pretty in-depth into the features of the N800, a modern internet tablet that runs about $200.
The modern Linux interface of the N800, however, is not without its drawbacks:
I like the N800. That’s why I bought it. But as great as the N800 is, and as much of an advance it represents technologically over my 10-year-old MessagePad, I am surprised at how much more sophisticated the MessagePad is than the N800 in terms of user experience.
The handwriting recognition, printing and faxing, and battery life (themes we’ve all heard before) are superior on the MessagePad 2100, according to the author.
Check out the full review for another great fight between a modern tablet and our good friend, the Newton.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:56 am on June 25th, 2008. Categories: messagepad, newton. Tags: internet, linux, messagepad, n800, newton, nokia, portable, tablet. Subscribe via RSS.
December 3rd, 2007
Looking to play around with the Newton – without the MessagePad?
Head over to Einstein.
Einstein ports the Newton’s operating system ROM onto Macs and lets you play around with the OS on your desktop. The whole project has now become open source, called OpenEinstein.
Says Paul Guyot, Einstein’s creator, on the Newton:
What I particularly enjoy is the reactions of other people. Some artificial intelligence researchers were amazed at this even if the handwriting recognition is no rocket science nowadays.
Guyot’s efforts are part of a movement to get Newtons to connect with just about every OS and work on any non-Apple hardware – like this – available.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 3:45 pm on December 3rd, 2007. Categories: newton. Tags: einstein, linux, messagepad, newton, open source, opensource, operating system, OS, PDA, windows. Subscribe via RSS.