March 15th, 2010

Something fun to try on your iPhone or iPod Touch: a Newton site from Sam Speake.
Called NewtonResourc, the site has basic info about Newtons, a tutorial (with more to come), a photo gallery, and links to Newton-specific sites.
[Via NewtonTalk.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:09 pm on March 15th, 2010. Categories: blogs, newton. Tags: eMate, gallery, iphone, messagepad, newton, optimized, site, tutorial. Subscribe via RSS.
October 15th, 2009

Grant Hutchinson has put together a fresh batch of great Newton photography at his Flickr gallery, Beautiful Newton, including the above shot courtesy of oxymoronik.
There are some fantastic shots in Splorp’s gallery, including an eMate-in-the-wild shot, and a submission from Sonny Hung’s Frozen Newton collection. Besides the eMate shot, my favorite has to be this simple MessagePad close-up.
[Via splorp.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:32 am on October 15th, 2009. Categories: community, eMate, messagepad. Tags: flickr, frozen newton, gallery, messagepad, newton, photography, photos, pics, porn, splorp. Subscribe via RSS.
April 7th, 2008

It’s pretty universal that Apple product fans love to take pictures of their conquests. Unboxing photo galleries, videos of guys opening the first iPhone boxes, even retro photo tours – they all crop up from time to time on the Apple blogs (I’m guilty myself).
Sadly, however, unboxing a used Newton you just picked up on eBay doesn’t explode with excitement like today’s products. Thankfully, a group of Flickr users have dedicated a group to Newtonism that’s bursting with MessagePad photos of every sort.
If there’s a mayor of Newton Flickr City, it has to be Sonny Hung, who hosts tons of photo sets of his Newton finds.
Others are pretty great, too, including group founder Grant Hutchinson.
If you’re a Flickr user and know your way around a camera’s macro setting, be sure to snap some shots of your own Newton and share them with the group. New photo uploads are few and far between. It’s always nice to see some new ones.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:08 am on April 7th, 2008. Categories: apple, community, newton. Tags: apple, apple fans, flickr, gallery, iphone, macro, messagepad, newton, photo, photos, unboxing. Subscribe via RSS.