April 3rd, 2012
- Love it
- I now see the world in Instagram possibilities — like, “Oooh, that would make a good Instagram shot”
- It’s worth it to me to pull over my car and grab a unique shot
- You should follow me: davelawrence8 (natch)
- You can usually tell who gets a new iPhone: they tend to join Instagram shortly after
- Android users: welcome to the party
- I have yet to get a Camera+-save-then-upload-to-Instagram workflow that I really like, but sometimes I will edit a photo in something like Snapseed and then post it to Instagram
- Speaking of which: if you’re not using mobile photos for Instagram, you’re cheating
- One or two photos a day is fine. Five in a row of your kid or your lunch is not fine
- Scenery, architecture, and skyline shots are fun, but my favorite Instagrams are the ones that capture an idea, or a mood, or a single object in a unique way
Posted by davelawrence8 at 12:17 pm on April 3rd, 2012. Categories: ipod/iphone. Tags: android, instagram, iphoneography, photography, photos, pics. Subscribe via RSS.
March 9th, 2012

This lovely image comes courtesy of John Carey over at fiftyfootshadows. Carey shares desktop images available for download — and boy, is this one gorgeous for all kinds of reasons. Says John:
I came across an opportunity to take this old Mac out back and shoot it recently. We were cleaning out old storage space and came across our Mac graveyard of sorts. Also In there was a Cube and moving head iMac. Good stuff.
Good stuff, indeed. Download the full version at the blog. You can see more of Carey’s work at his Flickr gallery.
And extra points if you can guess the Macintosh model.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:13 am on March 9th, 2012. Categories: lowend, macs. Tags: classic, mac, macintosh, photography, sunrise. Subscribe via RSS.
October 15th, 2009

Grant Hutchinson has put together a fresh batch of great Newton photography at his Flickr gallery, Beautiful Newton, including the above shot courtesy of oxymoronik.
There are some fantastic shots in Splorp’s gallery, including an eMate-in-the-wild shot, and a submission from Sonny Hung’s Frozen Newton collection. Besides the eMate shot, my favorite has to be this simple MessagePad close-up.
[Via splorp.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:32 am on October 15th, 2009. Categories: community, eMate, messagepad. Tags: flickr, frozen newton, gallery, messagepad, newton, photography, photos, pics, porn, splorp. Subscribe via RSS.