Posts tagged “photos”.
December 13th, 2012
Nick Bilton at the New York Times Bits blog:
A focus on the iPad could be a boon for [Flickr]. Although a lot of people don’t take photos on their iPad, they sure do like to look at images on it. Could Flickr create a beautiful magazinelike iPad application that allows people to skim through high-resolution images on the service?
As a still-dedicated Flickr user (along with other Newton users out there), it’s nice to hear things are maybe…kind of…hopefully picking up at Flickr.
And Bilton’s idea is great: a way to browse stuff that’s somewhere, quality-wise, between Instagram and 500px. My friends and acquaintances still use Flickr for their good stuff. It’d be nice for this hypothetical iPad treatment to be a nicer version of the Contacts tab on The problem is that, at least for my contacts, the quantity of stuff has decreased over the years. That’s a shame.
But I still use the hell out of Flickr, and plan to for as long as its around in something like its current form.
Improvements, though, are always welcome.
UPDATE: Good thoughts from Zach Inglis as well, especially on the Flickr-as-a-gallery ranking in the photo app wars.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:54 am on December 13th, 2012. Categories: photography, social media. Tags: app, flickr, ipad, photos. Subscribe via RSS.
April 3rd, 2012
- Love it
- I now see the world in Instagram possibilities — like, “Oooh, that would make a good Instagram shot”
- It’s worth it to me to pull over my car and grab a unique shot
- You should follow me: davelawrence8 (natch)
- You can usually tell who gets a new iPhone: they tend to join Instagram shortly after
- Android users: welcome to the party
- I have yet to get a Camera+-save-then-upload-to-Instagram workflow that I really like, but sometimes I will edit a photo in something like Snapseed and then post it to Instagram
- Speaking of which: if you’re not using mobile photos for Instagram, you’re cheating
- One or two photos a day is fine. Five in a row of your kid or your lunch is not fine
- Scenery, architecture, and skyline shots are fun, but my favorite Instagrams are the ones that capture an idea, or a mood, or a single object in a unique way
Posted by davelawrence8 at 12:17 pm on April 3rd, 2012. Categories: ipod/iphone. Tags: android, instagram, iphoneography, photography, photos, pics. Subscribe via RSS.
August 12th, 2010

Mark Johnson shared a new collection of Newton photos, straight from his collection, from his site Newton Collection.
Johnson shares a bunch of photos of other Newton-powered PDAs, as well, such as the Sony Magic Link and Motorola Marco.
“I started collecting Newtons as they are easier to store than Macs,” he told me. “Space is a premium!”
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:28 am on August 12th, 2010. Categories: messagepad, newton, PDA. Tags: collection, eMate, expertpad, marco, messagepad, newton, PDAs, photos. Subscribe via RSS.
April 15th, 2010

Rainy Day Magazine was nice enough to share a few photos from the early days of the Newton, including a photo of the original development team (above), the “core team” (including John Sculley), a prototype Newton, and a congratulations gala of some sort.
Nice to have some recognition for the original gang that put this device together. We can only hope that, as the Newton improved over time, so did their haircuts.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:11 am on April 15th, 2010. Categories: newton history. Tags: development, newton, photos, rainy day magazine, team. Subscribe via RSS.
December 30th, 2009

From Riccardo Mori’s System Folder:
Over the years [Claudio] gave me a few of the Macs in my collection, such as the Macintosh SE FDHD and the Apple IIGS. He was my vintage hardware ‘pusher’, and I used to ask him for help when something didn’t work (and I regularly paid for his expertise, although he — being the utterly honest guy he was — never charged me the prices other Apple repair shops used to charge at the time), and every now and then I helped him put order in his crammed, messy (in a beautiful sort of way) laboratory; he called me when he meant to clean it up a bit, and gave me a lot of interesting pieces. When I was looking for a PowerBook 100, he gave me three dismantled units and told me: Here you have all the pieces to build one functional PowerBook 100.
That’s great: Mac fandom as DIY repair, probably the best way to learn how to be a Macintosh devotee.
Mori’s Mac 128k photos are great, but so is his story of the Mac repair friend that showed him how they worked, and how to piece them together.
Mac users who have Apple Wizards as friends (as I do – thanks Curtis!) are the luckiest, because they have someone to share their joy with.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:40 am on December 30th, 2009. Categories: lowend, macs. Tags: 128k, apple, mac, macintosh, memories, photos. Subscribe via RSS.
October 15th, 2009

Grant Hutchinson has put together a fresh batch of great Newton photography at his Flickr gallery, Beautiful Newton, including the above shot courtesy of oxymoronik.
There are some fantastic shots in Splorp’s gallery, including an eMate-in-the-wild shot, and a submission from Sonny Hung’s Frozen Newton collection. Besides the eMate shot, my favorite has to be this simple MessagePad close-up.
[Via splorp.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:32 am on October 15th, 2009. Categories: community, eMate, messagepad. Tags: flickr, frozen newton, gallery, messagepad, newton, photography, photos, pics, porn, splorp. Subscribe via RSS.
January 27th, 2009

Just a fun heads-up: I created a bunch of Macintosh-inspired iPhone wallpapers over at my Flickr account and on the iPhone Wallpapers Flickr group. I took a bunch of recent Macs, like the G4 Cube above, and paired them with their marketing slogans, or a simple label, all on a clean white background.
Now you can carry around your favorite G3, G4, G5, or Intel Mac around with your iPhone. My iPhone is sporting the PowerMac G4 right now, just because I love the slogan so much.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:13 pm on January 27th, 2009. Categories: ipod/iphone, macs. Tags: background, flickr, iphone, macs, photos, wallpaper. Subscribe via RSS.
July 11th, 2008

Made it home safe and sound, and finding out news about the server crashes have spread like wildfire. I helped break the news over at Macenstein, but I think everyone eventually got the message.
The iPhone 3G launch was a worldwide event. Something had to go wrong. It’s too bad that “something” was of this magnitude.
More… »
Posted by davelawrence8 at 1:05 pm on July 11th, 2008. Categories: 3Glaunch. Tags: 3G iphone, ann arbor, apple, apple store, briarwood mall, july 11, launch, photos. Subscribe via RSS.
April 7th, 2008

It’s pretty universal that Apple product fans love to take pictures of their conquests. Unboxing photo galleries, videos of guys opening the first iPhone boxes, even retro photo tours – they all crop up from time to time on the Apple blogs (I’m guilty myself).
Sadly, however, unboxing a used Newton you just picked up on eBay doesn’t explode with excitement like today’s products. Thankfully, a group of Flickr users have dedicated a group to Newtonism that’s bursting with MessagePad photos of every sort.
If there’s a mayor of Newton Flickr City, it has to be Sonny Hung, who hosts tons of photo sets of his Newton finds.
Others are pretty great, too, including group founder Grant Hutchinson.
If you’re a Flickr user and know your way around a camera’s macro setting, be sure to snap some shots of your own Newton and share them with the group. New photo uploads are few and far between. It’s always nice to see some new ones.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:08 am on April 7th, 2008. Categories: apple, community, newton. Tags: apple, apple fans, flickr, gallery, iphone, macro, messagepad, newton, photo, photos, unboxing. Subscribe via RSS.
November 29th, 2007

What’s inside a Newton MessagePad?
Flickr photog splorp posts a great X-ray view of the insides of a MessagePad, including what each component is and does.
I’m trying to teach myself more about what makes a Newton tick, and this is a big help.
A great big advocate for the MessagePad, and founder of the Newton Flickr pool, splorp is a true Newtfan in every sense of the word. He also takes on other Apple projects.
[Part two of Flickr Newton finds.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:09 pm on November 29th, 2007. Categories: newton history. Tags: apple, DIY, flickr, hacking, inside, messagepad, newton, photos, x-ray, xray. Subscribe via RSS.