Posts tagged “flickr”.

“Giving Flickr the attention it deserves”

December 13th, 2012

Nick Bilton at the New York Times Bits blog:

A focus on the iPad could be a boon for [Flickr]. Although a lot of people don’t take photos on their iPad, they sure do like to look at images on it. Could Flickr create a beautiful magazinelike iPad application that allows people to skim through high-resolution images on the service?

As a still-dedicated Flickr user (along with other Newton users out there), it’s nice to hear things are maybe…kind of…hopefully picking up at Flickr.

And Bilton’s idea is great: a way to browse stuff that’s somewhere, quality-wise, between Instagram and 500px. My friends and acquaintances still use Flickr for their good stuff. It’d be nice for this hypothetical iPad treatment to be a nicer version of the Contacts tab on The problem is that, at least for my contacts, the quantity of stuff has decreased over the years. That’s a shame.

But I still use the hell out of Flickr, and plan to for as long as its around in something like its current form.

Improvements, though, are always welcome.

UPDATE: Good thoughts from Zach Inglis as well, especially on the Flickr-as-a-gallery ranking in the photo app wars.

Beauty, defined

March 10th, 2011

Gorgeous iMac G4 shot from Pedro Moura Pinheiro on Flickr.

It definitely has a place in my iMac G4 gallery.

Glowing green with an eMate

April 12th, 2010

Forever Green, May Your Newton Glow

Forever Green, May Your Newton Glow,” by TahoeSunsets

The hello Show, episode 7

March 30th, 2010

My podcast co-consipirator, David Kendal, finally posted a good image of himself for the world to see. A brave thing, especially in the hands of someone rotten like me.

It struck me, looking at David’s photo, how much he looks like my guitar hero, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd.

Let’s see what you think:

David vs. David

What do you say? David think he’s more of a Leonardo di Caprio than (the also-British, and insanely-talented) Mr. Gilmour.

We discussed this, and other fascinating topics, on our latest show. Tune in for David’s suggestion as to who I look like.

David also kicked off a The hello Show secret meeting place, if you have any thoughts or photos to share.

Thanks, as always, for listening.

1983 – on the web

March 1st, 2010

Hilarious. Someone who saw my 1983 mockup made the spoof as an actual, working web site.

As of now, the links all say “Coming Soon!” But man, wouldn’t it be cool to work out all the Apple Lisa or BASIC copy for a functioning (albeit fake) retro

Behold: the elusive orange Newton eMate

February 18th, 2010

orange prototype Newton eMate

Jim Abeles posted a few photos of the prototype (and highly elusive) orange eMate 300.

According to Abeles, who is chief executive officer at Pre1 Software,

This came from a GUI designer for the eMate who said it was shown to developers at the 1996 MacWorld. Apparently it was the first time Apple used “stereo lithography” to prototype a product. Jonathan Ives saw it in use in Amsterdam and was inspired to try it. Three pieces were made; the top, bottom and pen.

Apple was toying around with other eMate colors – and business-grade models. It could be that the translucent plastic and candy coating inspired the iMac and iBook G3 varieties.

He’s got a bunch of other great classic Apple hardware shots, with some more Newton prototypes like the Lizzy, at his Flickr gallery. I remember him getting some buzz for his prototype iPhone pics a while back.

[Via Morgan Aldridge.]

Behold! The tablet descends

January 27th, 2010

From Ken Fager on his Flickr account, drawn with an MP2100.

Steve Jobs descended to the base of Mt. Yerba Buena and unveiled the tablet to the gathered unwashed masses…

Today’s the big day, eh?

[Via @kenfagerdotcom.]

Batmobile Newton

January 18th, 2010

One of the prototype “Batmobile” Newtons. See the full version here.

The pic got some Gizmodo love yesterday.

And Splorp’s Twitter.]

Ode to the iMac G4

December 10th, 2009


Just created a gallery over at Flickr in honor of my favorite Macintosh, the iMac G4.

Enjoy. I sure did.

[Image courtesy of Splorp: / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 He gets thumbnail-of-my-gallery honors.]

Fresh Newton porn on Flickr

October 15th, 2009

Apple Newton by oxymoronik, courtesy of Flickr

Grant Hutchinson has put together a fresh batch of great Newton photography at his Flickr gallery, Beautiful Newton, including the above shot courtesy of oxymoronik.

There are some fantastic shots in Splorp’s gallery, including an eMate-in-the-wild shot, and a submission from Sonny Hung’s Frozen Newton collection. Besides the eMate shot, my favorite has to be this simple MessagePad close-up.

[Via splorp.]