May 27th, 2008

Made it home safe and sound from my big New England driving trip, and had a chance to stop at the 5th Ave Apple Store in NYC.
It was great, lots of fun, but I opted not to take the Newton because I didn’t want one more thing to drag around with me. My car was packed enough.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:44 am on May 27th, 2008. Categories: apple. Tags: 5th avenue, apple store, new england, New York, newton, NYC. Subscribe via RSS.
May 16th, 2008
It’ll be a slow posting week this week, because I’ll be driving around New England and discovering the “old” America for about 10 days. I leave today, May 16, and will be back on May 25 (or so).
WordPress makes it easy to schedule posts ahead of time, so Newton Poetry will have fresh content while I’m gone.
Check out my trip blog if you’re interested. I’ll be taking pictures and posting – hopefully – every night when I land somewhere. I’ll be taking the Newton, and my clamshell iBook G3 (it goes everywhere with me), plus an iPod with my entire music collection on it.
Until then!
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:37 am on May 16th, 2008. Categories: blogs, lowend, travel. Tags: ibook, new england, newton, travel, trip, vacation. Subscribe via RSS.
April 8th, 2008

by Walt Whitman
I stand as on soml might- eagle’s beak,
Enstwurd the sea abscrhing, viewing, (nothing
but sea and sky)
The tossing waves, the form, the ships in the
The wild unrest, the snowy cuvling cups – that
inboiind urge and urge of waves,
Seeking the shorts fivever.
[Read the original. I plan on taking a big New England trip later this spring, and I liked the imagery Whitman uses in this one. Gets me excited about what I’ll be seeing for the first time. Find out why this poem is misspelled.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:38 am on April 8th, 2008. Categories: poem, whitman. Tags: americana, apple, messagepad, montauk, new england, newton, ocean, poem, poetry, ship, shore, walt, waves, whitman, wind. Subscribe via RSS.