February 5th, 2009
As if I wasn’t excited enough, this photo from the Big Picture helps me to look forward to the Worldwide Newton Developers Conference, taking place July 31-August 2 in Vancouver, British Columbia.
I plan on driving across Canada from Michigan to get there. It’s a trip I wanted to take in 2007, when I drove across the northern U.S. to Seattle (I planned to cross Canada on my way back, but flew instead). Now I have an excuse to see it all.
The Pacific Northwest is the most beautiful area I’ve been to yet, and images like the Big Picture’s make me look forward to seeing another part of this beautiful territory.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:45 am on February 5th, 2009. Categories: community, travel. Tags: british columbia, canada, community, messagepad, newton, vancouver, WWNC. Subscribe via RSS.
April 23rd, 2008
Demigods in Canada, and virtually unknown in the U.S., The Tragically Hip are the greatest live band I’ve ever seen.
So it was a heckuva treat to see some classic Macs sitting at the desks during the Hip’s “My Music at Work” video:
Gord Downie, the lead singer, has either a classic 128/512k Mac or a Mac SE – I can’t make out which. The video seems to be a rip on the drudgery of work, but they picked the wrong computer to represent such an idea; a Packard Bell would’ve worked much better.
They look like they’re having some fun, thanks to Gord, though I bet an office environment would be infinitely better with a Mac SE at every desk.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:24 am on April 23rd, 2008. Categories: humor, lowend, macs. Tags: apple, canada, gord, mac se, macintosh, office, the hip, tragically hip, video, work. Subscribe via RSS.