First post-Steve Apple product
August 26th, 2011[Via Wired, via Morgan.]
[Via Wired, via Morgan.]
It’s only appropriate that today, on the day Steve Jobs announced the iPad 2, that Thomas Brand from Egg Freckles released a tablet for classic Mac lovers: the above G3-era version.
This after I challenged him with a hypothetical blueberry model. Boy, does that guy deliver or what?
Also: a beige model, for the classic lovers. Love how the Apple logo could serve as the new Home button.
While the iPad 2 is the first iPad I’ve considered buying, I would pick up a pinstripe Apple tablet in a heartbeat.
Thomas Brand on Twitter: “Visit @EggFreckles 404 page. You won’t be sorry, but my traffic will surely look confusing.”
Just lovely. That joke never gets old.
Also, I adore how Mr. Brand makes those graphics for his blog.
“Only 24 hours? If @tumblr had a real outage, it would have lasted longer than a fresh set of batteries in my Newton.”
– Grant Hutchinson, during the Great Tumblr Drought of 2010.
“What? No ‘Magic Stylus’ for my Newton? Lame.”
– Grant Hutchinson, from Twitter, on the new Magic Trackpad. I’m excited about this, just because the trackpad on MacBook Pros are outstanding. The Magic Trackpad takes the Magic Mouse idea and flattens it, and that leaves all kinds of openings for new input methods on the Mac. We can’t touch our iMac screens yet, but this comes darn close.
Weird – they’re just now reaching two million?
Oh wait. It’s a copy-editing mistake (check the URL).
So to heck with the iPad – you’ve dreamed of someday winning an Apple Newton MessagePad in some random site’s giveaway.
Well, ThinkGeek has heard your plea. They’re giving away an MP100 and a $1,000 shopping spree from now, April 1, until midnight.
I know, I know – it’s probably a joke, right? Especially considering second prize is an iPad. But Think Geek says, “And while the Newton may seem impossibly awesome, we promise it’s true–this contest is NOT a joke.” Who am I to doubt them? Besides the $1,000 grand prize, the bundled Newton is a heckuva money saver.
When you click through to enter, ThinkGeek asks if you want to receive their updates and promotions, so it could be a genius marketing scheme. Just don’t get me wrong: by “scheme” I mean “I’d love to have one.”
And here I had thought of doing something like this as an anniversary prize or something…
[Via Splorp.]
Hilarious. Someone who saw my 1983 mockup made the spoof as an actual, working web site.
As of now, the links all say “Coming Soon!” But man, wouldn’t it be cool to work out all the Apple Lisa or BASIC copy for a functioning (albeit fake) retro