November 4th, 2008
Jesus Weeping God – we’ve been down this road before. has yet another “Newton was a smelly sock” article and photo series focusing on Apple and the Bandai gaming platform. And guess which pioneering, monochrome product is also featured?
That’s right, the Newton. And don’t forget to include the photo gallery, you pimps. Up yours Forbes – again.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:05 am on November 4th, 2008. Categories: apple, messagepad, newton. Tags: apple, bandai, fail, failure, forbes, messagepad, newton, pippin. Subscribe via RSS.
April 21st, 2008

More good news (after Friday’s good news) on the price of AAPL.
Today was a great day, with the Apple’s stock price jumping a few dollars before they release their quarterly statement later this week. says Apple’s statement will be one of the most “greatly-anticipated”:
Since Apple gave its update, the stock has mounted a comeback, rising more than 16% to almost $162 as feelings have grown more positive about the odds that the company will soon release a third-generation, or 3G version of the iPhone, and that sales of Macintosh computers will continue to rise.
Reports of the “imminent” 3G iPhone have been coming at us non-stop for the past few weeks – just in time to satisfy my iPhone fast (as in food, not speed).
And just think: Apple’s stock price at the close of the day they killed the Newton? A bit over $23. My, how far we’ve come.
According to, the crash we saw in January is something that happens almost every time Apple announces a super quarter. Weird, huh? quotes an analyst that brags the 10 million iPhone number will be no problem – which is good, because iPod interest may be slacking off. Except for the iTouch. That still has “steady demand.”
Even Dell is doing better than expected, after the doom-and-gloom story of its stock price for the past year.
So a good day for technology, and a better day for a guy who was scared his pre-Macworld experiment would crash and burn. It’s nice that investors, even with the economy tanking, feel that just about anything Apple touches is still lust-worthy. Macs are taking off like we’ve always hoped. iPhones are just as popular as we dreamed.
And the stock price? Well, it may just hit $190 after all. I have no experience or expertise in investing or stock prices, but I know hope when I see it.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 4:57 pm on April 21st, 2008. Categories: apple. Tags: AAPL, apple, crash, finance, forbes, iphone, ipod, macs, market, marketwatch, newton, price, stock. Subscribe via RSS.
April 14th, 2008 has a list of the best Apple innovations ever. The Newton is where you land in the photo gallery, which then takes you to the obvious iPod and iPhone. The Forbes lists the MessagePad because:
What It Does: A commercial failure, this software put a computer with an elegant touch-screen interface in a user’s pocket.
Why It’s Great: Apple’s pocket computer failed first, setting Apple up for success with the iPhone.
Isn’t it funny how so many web sites are doing Apple-related lists? And most of them include Newton, for good or ill? And how much of life can really be put into “top ten such-and-such” lists before it loses some of its magic?
Soon, I’ll bet.
It’s like reading those magazine covers that brag “10 best ways to please your hubby” or “Five easy ways to flatter abs.” Are we so dumbed-down we need it broken up into list-sized chunks?
Speaking of which, I’ll have a “10 best things to do with your Newton” post coming up soon.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 5:22 pm on April 14th, 2008. Categories: blogs, messagepad, newton history. Tags: apple, flop, forbes, knowledge navigator, list, lists, magazines, messagepad, newton, sculley, top 10. Subscribe via RSS.
December 5th, 2007

Vista’s propsective
its view through or long window
cold scenes if winter.
[Read the original, courtesy of Fake Steve Jobs. Does anyone else read Fake Steve? Because he’s hilarious. If Steve Jobs talked like a 14-year-old Valley Boy, the blog would be spot on. Even now that Forbes has officially sponsored the thing, Fake Steve Jobs keeps the laughs coming. I’ll Newton-ize his poems in the future, but this Windows Vista haiku will do for now.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 4:34 pm on December 5th, 2007. Categories: haiku. Tags: apple, fake steve, fake steve jobs, forbes, haiku, messagepad, microsoft, newton, steve jobs, vista, windows, windows XP. Subscribe via RSS.