August 12th, 2010

Mark Johnson shared a new collection of Newton photos, straight from his collection, from his site Newton Collection.
Johnson shares a bunch of photos of other Newton-powered PDAs, as well, such as the Sony Magic Link and Motorola Marco.
“I started collecting Newtons as they are easier to store than Macs,” he told me. “Space is a premium!”
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:28 am on August 12th, 2010. Categories: messagepad, newton, PDA. Tags: collection, eMate, expertpad, marco, messagepad, newton, PDAs, photos. Subscribe via RSS.
September 16th, 2008

I don’t know, but I think I’m getting close. This doesn’t even show the two Mac SEs and the iBook G3 clamshell. Getting out of hand, much?
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:23 am on September 16th, 2008. Categories: lowend, macs. Tags: collection, computers, ibook, imac, lowend, mac se, macs, power mac. Subscribe via RSS.
August 20th, 2008

Remember last week when I found that collection of “Free Tibet” songs on iTunes? Turns out the Chinese found it, too.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the communist government of China is blocking iTunes and the Songs for Tibet collection. All after finding out some Olympic athletes were downloading the music.
Maybe they just don’t like Moby?
Anyway, those cryptic Chinese messages I found in the reviews section of the collection? Ars Technica found the translations, and they’re not very nice. Is this anyway to treat Apple after they decided to build a store in Beijing?
How sad. Here we were worried about the Olympic athletes choking on all the smog; in reality, they’re chocking on the authoritarian bullshit.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:34 pm on August 20th, 2008. Categories: apple, itunes. Tags: apple, apple store, beijing, china, collection, communism sucks, free tibet, itunes, itunes store, music, olympics, tibet. Subscribe via RSS.
November 25th, 2007

Apple Newton MessagePad Collection – #1a
Originally uploaded by sonnyhung
Looking to buy a Newton? Chances are this guy has some.
And to think it all started so simply:
I purchased my first Newton MP100 back in 1996 for $169 plus shipping. At the time I purchased also the Newton Enhancement Kit which included a Newton Bag and several software titles.
“Sonnyhung” has more than 1,300 photos dedicated to his Newtons, other Newtons, Newton advertising, Newton peripherals, Newton babies – everything. Even Newton cakes.
The guy’s a pro.
[Part 1 of “NewtFlick” finds.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 4:23 pm on November 25th, 2007. Categories: Uncategorized. Tags: apple, collection, ebay, flickr, hobby, messagepad, newton, photos. Subscribe via RSS.