November 24th, 2008
Boy, do I feel like a goober. A commenter on my “DVD-ROM doom and gloom” post, Seele, pointed me to a how-to article on switching the optical drive in a blue and white Power Macintosh G3. Here I had been having issues getting the drive tray out from the inside of my PowerMac G4; it turns out I was going about it all wrong.
My objective was to switch out the CD-ROM drive in the PowerMac with a DVD-ROM drive I picked up on eBay. Looking back at the original post, you can see where it all went wrong:
Early on, though, I found several obstacles – including ill-placed screws holding the CD-ROM drive (one placed behind the drive, facing the other side of the PowerMac, which is impossible to get to) and power supply in place. The power supply’s screw was put in such a spot that one would need an L-shaped screwdriver of some sort, while the CD-ROM’s hidden screw requires the abilities of Plastic Man.
In other words, I was trying to unscrew screws that couldn’t be unscrewed. What commenter Seele pointed out to me was I needed to start in the front of the PowerMac G4 by taking off the plastic drive covers.
A quick Google search brought me to this classic Quicktime video from Apple about how to get it done. Watching that, I couldn’t believe my own foolishness. Why hadn’t I just did some research before plowing into this project?
More… »
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:00 am on November 24th, 2008. Categories: DIY, lowend, macs. Tags: apple, cd, comment, DIY, drive, dvd, g4, install, powermac, project, quicktime, rom, screw, video. Subscribe via RSS.
May 27th, 2008
It was bound to happen. Now there’s a social networking site – like Myspace or Facebook – dedicated to Apple users.
It’s called MyAppleSpace, and according to Brian Floe, it’s the networking site “for the rest of us”:
iPhone, iPod, Mac or even AppleTV users now have a common home to explore the everything Apple, share experiences, network with other users, create usergroups within the community, create their own profile with their own private blog, upload Apple related video, photos and even music.
MyAppleSpace is pretty simple to start out. It has some customization features (my profile is “Bondi”) and the ability to comment and blog and share videos. All pretty standard stuff. I created a group called “Newton Users” (nach), and it was a snap. Now we’ll see if anyone joins.
Because that’s the power of social networks: the bigger, the better. But an Apple-themed site can stay just small enough to be comfy and familiar.
Check it out, and join my Newton group. I’ll see you on MyAppleSpace.
[UPDATE: Read my interview with MyAppleSpace creator Brian Flow.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:20 am on May 27th, 2008. Categories: apple, community, newton. Tags: apple, comment, community, facebook, myapplespace, myspace, networking, newton, social network, video. Subscribe via RSS.