November 20th, 2008
Turns out you can do some blogging with your Newton and a keyboard, even these days.
Holden Scott over at This Old Mac writes:
Writing articles… well, this is a joy to do. With the Newton keyboard, it is easy to write in Newton Works’ word processor. I simply import to my computer and copy and paste the text into WordPress. It even has a spell checker. In fact, I almost prefer working in Newton Word over Apple Pages.
Holden filed that post with his Newton 2000 and keyboard. I can imagine doing the same thing with an eMate or any other MessagePad with a good keyboard. Scribbling a blog entry with a stylus? That’s a little trickier…
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:45 am on November 20th, 2008. Categories: blogs, lowend, messagepad. Tags: apple, blog, blogging, DIY, keyboard, lowend, messagepad, newton, pages, this old mac, word, works, writing. Subscribe via RSS.
October 17th, 2008
Check this out.
Cult of Mac interviews James Wages on his classic Mac SE/30 web-surfing machine and Newton 2100 sync setup. He even uses his Newton keyboard (with an extension) on the SE! You can check out the Flickr collection here.
A lot of people might look at James’s setup and think, “Jesus, what the hell’s wrong with him?” Me? I look at it and think, “My hero.”
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:39 am on October 17th, 2008. Categories: lowend, messagepad. Tags: 2100, apple, classic, cult of mac, lowend, mac, mac se, mac se/30, messagepad, newton. Subscribe via RSS.
September 30th, 2008
I’ve read Low End Mac as long as I’ve been a Mac user. Their Mac Profiles section just can’t be beat to look up old hardware specs (especially when I grab something out of the blue), and they post tons of helpful how-tos if you’re a classic Mac user.
So a big, hearty “thanks” to them for featuring our “11 ways Newton is still better than iPhone” post. The Newton officially qualifies as a low-end Apple product, even if the site mainly caters to Macintosh PCs.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 1:27 pm on September 30th, 2008. Categories: community, lowend. Tags: apple, classic, compare, iphone, low end mac, lowend, macintosh, messagepad, newton, profile, site. Subscribe via RSS.
September 16th, 2008
I don’t know, but I think I’m getting close. This doesn’t even show the two Mac SEs and the iBook G3 clamshell. Getting out of hand, much?
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:23 am on September 16th, 2008. Categories: lowend, macs. Tags: collection, computers, ibook, imac, lowend, mac se, macs, power mac. Subscribe via RSS.