January 6th, 2009
Tons of books and all. I wish my own office were that clean and tidy.
Happy Macworld Keynote Day. I’ll probably be catching the live blog feed somewhere (Gizmodo usually does a nice job) and hoping for some kind of cool announcement. I actually thought about going to Macworld this year, and just as I was about to hit the “purchase tickets” button, the news hit that Steve Jobs wasn’t going to be there.
Much like Apple, my decision was financially-based: can I really afford a trip out to California?
So I may have missed my chance to see Steve Jobs deliver a “one more thing” announcement forever. But hey, there’s always WWNC.
[Courtesy Remodelista.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:46 am on January 6th, 2009. Categories: apple, macs. Tags: apple, g4, imac, imac g4, macintosh, macworld, office, organization, organize, remodel, steve jobs. Subscribe via RSS.
July 7th, 2008
When Merlin Mann, GTD guru and author of the 43 Folders blog, invented the Hipster PDA, he probably knew the adaptability of a plain index card idea holder would be infinite.
Us Newton MessagePad users, however, might scoff at the idea. Index cards? Color coding? Binder clips? It all seems so…Office Max.
But maybe Mann is on to something. Why can’t we Newton fans adapt the idea of the Hipster PDA into something more, I don’t know, Apple?
That’s why I’m introducing the pNewton, a Hipster-style MessagePad that takes the best ideas of the Hipster PDA and makes them even better.
More… »
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:34 am on July 7th, 2008. Categories: DIY, GTD, howto, humor, lowend, messagepad. Tags: 43 folders, dates, DIY, GTD, hipster PDA, index, iphone, merlin mann, messagepad, names, newton, organization, palm, PDA, pNewton, stylus. Subscribe via RSS.