November 2nd, 2009
Get this. An attempt to sync my Address Book contacts and my iCal dates with the eMate. I’m using NewtSync with a Serial-to-USB adapter over USB on my iMac G4. And everything’s going fine (above).
Then this. What gives?
The process never finishes before this error message pops up. My eMate, though, has a lot of the information from iCal loaded from the sync, including repeating appointments. Address Book contact info, however, never makes it over to the eMate.
I’ve had issues syncing my eMate with anything on OS X. Guess I’ll keep trying.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:00 am on November 2nd, 2009. Categories: eMate, newton. Tags: address book, dates, eMate, g4, ical, imac, names, newton, PIM, sync. Subscribe via RSS.
December 1st, 2008
As I hinted at Friday, I had success connecting my Newton eMate 300 with my iBook G4, running OS X 10.4, using a Keyspan serial-to-USB dongle I recently grabbed off eBay. This has been a long time coming. I first wrote about how to connect your Newton with OS X back in March, and there are tons of resources a Google search away, but here – for the first time – I got to see first-hand how the whole process works.
And it’s such a snap.
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Posted by davelawrence8 at 5:27 am on December 1st, 2008. Categories: DIY, howto, ibook, newton. Tags: address book, connect, connection, dates, eMate, escale, ibook, ical, keyspan, messagepad, newton, serial, sync, synchronize, USB. Subscribe via RSS.
September 10th, 2008
Turns out, the end is nigh.
For Newton users, the year 2010 poses a serious problem. It’s put simply by NewtonTalk’s tweet, but Marisa from the list says it like this:
The problem is that the Newton stores numbers as 30-bits instead of 32, and in 2010 the number of seconds since the “epoch” of 1901 or whatever date it is runs out of bits to keep track of the date.
Newton users have reported everything from date screw-ups to total crashes when they try to set their date to 2010 and get anything done.
Remember Y2K? This is Newt2K+10.
Avi Dressman developed a fix, which he describes in detail here, and you can find the package patch on UNNA (though Avi warns of the patch’s Alpha development stage – so be warned) [Update: Don’t download Dressman’s patch. It helped lead to the 2010Fix bug in January 2009].
Some who have tried setting their Newton to 2010 have had it crash everything from a MP110 (with OS 1.x) to the 2×00 series, but the bug mostly effects OS 2.x Newtons. So for gosh sakes, don’t try it at home.
But if you plan on using your Newt in 2010, by all means download the patch and prevent Newtpocalypse.
[Update 2: Eckhart Köppen, with help from the Newton community, developed a patch that fixes the 2010 bug. Use this instead of Dressman’s patch.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:07 am on September 10th, 2008. Categories: newton, software, y2010. Tags: 2010, crash, dates, messagepad, newton, newtonscript, y2k. Subscribe via RSS.
July 7th, 2008
When Merlin Mann, GTD guru and author of the 43 Folders blog, invented the Hipster PDA, he probably knew the adaptability of a plain index card idea holder would be infinite.
Us Newton MessagePad users, however, might scoff at the idea. Index cards? Color coding? Binder clips? It all seems so…Office Max.
But maybe Mann is on to something. Why can’t we Newton fans adapt the idea of the Hipster PDA into something more, I don’t know, Apple?
That’s why I’m introducing the pNewton, a Hipster-style MessagePad that takes the best ideas of the Hipster PDA and makes them even better.
More… »
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:34 am on July 7th, 2008. Categories: DIY, GTD, howto, humor, lowend, messagepad. Tags: 43 folders, dates, DIY, GTD, hipster PDA, index, iphone, merlin mann, messagepad, names, newton, organization, palm, PDA, pNewton, stylus. Subscribe via RSS.
February 29th, 2008
A big thanks to Matt Howe, who created a holiday package to upload to Newton’s Dates application.
There are 11 different categories of holidays, including Polish, Australian, and Canadian holidays.
Pretty handy if you want your MessagePad to remember when Boxing Day is. “Holidays” is a free download.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:28 am on February 29th, 2008. Categories: howto, software. Tags: apple, calendar, dates, download, free, holiday, holidays, messagepad, newton, package, software. Subscribe via RSS.