October 5th, 2010
It’s about time: Charles Mangin has plans to modify a Newton MessagePad into an iPhone case. But before that, he’s modded a MessagePad to look like a slick modern-Apple machine called the iNewt.
Very shiny, very geeky. Very nice, Charles.
[Via Slash Gear.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:29 am on October 5th, 2010. Categories: messagepad. Tags: case, inewt, iphone, messagepad, mod, newton. Subscribe via RSS.
August 9th, 2010
Before the iPad? The iBook tablet mod.
That was Jeff Paradiso’s idea:
Paradiso, a graphic designer from Boston, took a touch-screen iBook (an after-market modification from Troll Touch), disassembled it, cut a screen-sized hole in its lid, and flipped the screen around so that it faces outwards instead of towards the keyboard. Paradiso changed the desktop icons to large buttons and uses the operating system’s built-in, on-screen keyboard to get around.
After the Web Pad’s construction, Paradiso posted pictures of the iBook’s progress from weird, sturdy notebook to practical tablet.
It’s all a bit like Axiotron’s Modbook idea, except built in true DIY fashion. And it was from several years ago, when an iBook G3 was still a capable web-surfing, video-watching Mac. Today you’d have to do it with a Macbook.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:49 am on August 9th, 2010. Categories: ibook. Tags: G3, ibook, inkwell, mac, mod, pad, tablet, touchscreen. Subscribe via RSS.
April 29th, 2010
Nouveau (by mĪ±xsmith)
There are several things I love about this. The old “Luxo” iMac. The tin cans for office supply holders. The 10 dollar task lamp. But something about the composition and lighting are so full of win that I am forced to reblog.
Indeed. I’d get another G4 just to do this. Or do the eMate version.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:05 am on April 29th, 2010. Categories: macs. Tags: clock, imac, imac g4, mod. Subscribe via RSS.
December 1st, 2009
[Via Pomme C.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:37 am on December 1st, 2009. Categories: DIY, macs. Tags: g4, imac, imac g4, lamp, mod. Subscribe via RSS.
December 18th, 2008
Now this is what I’m talking about.
Check out the Flickr photo gallery of a Mac Plus turned into a G4 Cube mod by charles_mangin. I’ve seen a lot of this kind of stuff with Mac Minis, but a Cube seems even more flexible for creative mash-ups.
After messing around with my PowerMac G4, I’m starting to get into these Mac mods. It’s one of those fun weekend project kind of deals, you know?
Speaking of which, there are some cool designs over at the MacMod site. Not all of them are useful, per se, but then neither is a fish tank stuffed in to a Apple Studio Display.
[Courtesy of Mental Hygiene.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:47 am on December 18th, 2008. Categories: DIY, macs. Tags: flickr, g4, g4 cube, mac, mac mini, mac mod, mac plus, macintosh, mod, powermac. Subscribe via RSS.
June 16th, 2008
I always wonder about the Mac Mini.
Every time I see one I want to touch it, and I’m always on the look-out for a cheap enough model to buy. But I wonder how the Mac Mini’s sales are doing.
When it was launched, people predicted the Mini – then a G4 – would sell pretty well. Then, last summer, sites predicted the death of the Mini. Since Leopard was release, the Mini just hangs in limbo.
It’s a shame, too, because people love the pint-sized Mac enough to mod the heck out of it. Media centers, car computers – you name it, someone has put a Mini inside it. But how well does it sell overall?
The original idea was to offer up a below-$1,000 Mac so that Window users, who already own a capable monitor and keyboard/mouse set, could jump ship easily and cheaply. The Mini could run OS X and MS Office software and anything else you could throw at it, and users could expect a machine to help them “learn” the Mac OS without whipping through 40 Photoshop filters at top speed. You knew it was a modest system. You didn’t expect a whole lot.
As it stands today, though, people are switching to Apple – but mostly through the notebook route. What’s the Mac Mini’s role in all this? A new MobileMe-only device? A music server?
Plus, OS X 10.5 requires more powerful hardware, and the Mini’s modest specs seem to not up to the new iMac’s standards, I guess I’m just worried the tiny Mac will get lost in the (non-iPod) shuffle. If sales are sluggish, would Apple just drop it? Would the monitor-less experiment be over? And what about the dreaded xMac?
If anyone knows, I’d love to hear about it.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 9:35 am on June 16th, 2008. Categories: apple, macs, OS X. Tags: apple, hack, imac, leopard, mac mini, macbook, mobileme, mod, OS X, xmac. Subscribe via RSS.
January 30th, 2008
A good point about what makes the MessagePad so accessible, from the newtontalk.net mailing list:
A sudden nasty angle to any revival of the Newton came to my mind as I was thinking about how incredibly fortunate we are. The Newton that we know and love has survived the cruel rejection by its parent, Apple, because its construction is such that it’s relatively straightforward to dismantle and otherwise tinker with it. Even if such hardware tinkering isn’t to all our tastes, it’s doable for enough of us that all of us can benefit, and the results are a thriving user base a decade after Apple stopped supporting it, and a machine that’s stable even if it’s no longer cutting edge.
This is a good time to stop and thank all the Newtonians who comprise that hard-core of hardware (and software) fixers, modders and hackers, who help us all fight off Newton-entropy. I hope some day I get a chance to buy all you guys a drink — though perhaps I’ll need to do that a little at a time.
Christian, the smart guy who came up with all this, said a modern-day Newton would be a Mac Mini-style PDA: closed, non-upgradeable, and therefore less fun.
Smart stuff, and I think that’s what makes the Newton so fun to tinker with – namely, you can tinker with it!
Check out the NewtonTalk archives here.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 8:09 pm on January 30th, 2008. Categories: newton. Tags: apple, e-mail, hacker, mac, mac mini, messagepad, mod, newton, newtonlist, newtontalk, PDA. Subscribe via RSS.