Posts categorized “macs”.

Who needs a computer, anyway?

April 5th, 2010

Matt Groening Apple ad

Neat brochure designed by The Simpsons creator Matt Groening. Looks like it’s geared toward college students.

[Via Daring Fireball.]

Classic Mac setups

March 16th, 2010

Riccardo Mori over at System Folder had a neat idea: post Mac users’ classic setups using low-end hardware.

His first profile comes from Stories of Apple author Nicola D’Agostino, who uses two PowerBook G3s – one running OS 8.6 for scanning and the other sporting both OS 9 and OS X 10.4 for music.

It’s great to see recent-era classic Macs still in everyday use, and I look forward to see who else shares their classic setup with Mori.

Quote of the week: anything newer?

March 5th, 2010

“The question is not ‘why do you want something that old?’ but rather: Why would I want anything newer? This computer serves my purposes perfectly well. It would be nice to be able to run Mac OS X Leopard and run all the latest software, but for somebody like me whose heaviest task is editing a photo taken with a point-and-shoot camera, I’ve found that this computer is quite powerful enough.”

David Kendal, my podcasting buddy, with a good pre-emptive piece that nicely accompanies my rant from the other day.

On my Mac hobby

March 2nd, 2010

Almost five years ago, I acquired a new hobby. It started when I purchased my first Macintosh computer, an iBook G4, and it’s been chugging along ever since.

I have many other hobbies: writing, comic books, traveling, working out, politics, and sometimes playing some video games. But the one I’m probably most recognized for is the Mac hobby.

Someone asked, on a little experiment I ran last week, whether they thought my Macs would “possess” me. By this, they probably meant, “Don’t you think this is getting out of hand?” Or, “when will you stop acquiring and dinking around with Macs?”

To which I would answer: no, and maybe never.

I’m not sorry about my hobby. The Macintosh, both old and classic, interests me in ways that have long reflected my personality. I’ve been a computer geek for 15 years, and messing with Macs fits perfectly into my lifestyle.

The first possible question, the “getting out of hand” one, probably refers to the amount of Macs I own, and there I’ll give the questioner some credit. By now, I’ve reached a certain limit, where anything new that comes in replaces something I already have. I don’t want any more Macs. To make room, I’ll replace the ones I have with one I want more. Out with old, in with the new.

But every once in a while, someone will walk in an ask, “How many computers do you need?” Truth is, I don’t need any of them, any more than you need four pairs of blue jeans or seven guns hanging out in a (hopefully) locked safe. It’s not about need.

There are a million different hobbies out there, each with their own culture and lexicon and history. I think each and every one of them – from velvet Elvis paintings to horses – is fascinating in their own way. My roommate is interested in World War II, so he watches TV shows about the war and plays a video game that lets him re-experience the battles in his own way. World War II doesn’t define him. It’s simply what interests him.

Another friend switches hobbies like he switches underwear. Something will catch his fancy and, zoom, off he goes to collect and learn all he can about it. Then something new comes along and, zoom, off he goes to that. Maybe his hobby is hobbies.

Here’s the thing: as a creative professional, I feel like I can get my work done best on a certain computing platform. And it’s fun to use, and has a compelling history, so that I’m interested in more than its practical aspects. Also, the older models are interesting in their own way, and they give me an affordable way to mess around with computers.

Fact is, I rarely pay for the Macs I acquire. More often than not, they’re gifts or eureka finds. Just my luck that I can get my hands on something I love to tinker with. My grandpa used to get bikes at yard sales, fix them up, and sell them in his front yard. Sometimes people would stop by just to give him their old bike. He made a little income, got to fiddle with chains and tires, and spent time in his old garage tinkering by himself.

I do this with Macs.

Some women love to take their credit card and go shopping just for shopping’s sake. For them, it’s an activity to do with friends and they – hey! – get something on the other end. Their closets are full, they spent a bunch of money on stuff they really didn’t need, and they’ll do it again next weekend. Shopping can be a hobby.

So can anything. That’s the great part about life: we can be unapologetic about our interests because they’re our interests. Having a hobby is never having to say you’re sorry, unless your hobby is hurting other people. In that case, look into professional wrestling (look, another hobby!).

Now, hobbies can become destructive. If you don’t have any money, you probably shouldn’t go shopping just for shopping’s sake. If my Macs distracted me from any of the other fun and wonderful things I enjoy, it would be a bad thing. When all you care about is your hobby, not only are you boring, but you’re hurting yourself.

But I can tear apart an old iBook or figure out a way to install some Newton software and read, write, spend time with my girlfriend, and get out of town on the weekend. I think I live a well-rounded life, dominated by nothing more than anything else. Sometimes it feels like I’m interested in too much, because the world fascinates me to no end. So I have to set limits.

The question a hobbyist has to ask themselves is, if I lose all this stuff, will it matter? Or is it the doing that’s enjoyable? Honestly, if a fire were to consume all my hobby Macs tomorrow, I wouldn’t shed a tear. They’re just things. In fact, I had the Mac of my dreams for an entire year, and I sold it. Just like that. I had it, and then I didn’t have it, with no regret involved.

The things I would miss in a fire are the things that I really care about, like – oh – my pictures and identity and stuff. Everything else is replaceable. It’s just a hobby.

Hobbies can lead to other hobbies. Lately, I’m learning how to make a podcast, and learning how to make and manage web sites. Because I love to learn so much, my hobbies sprout new hobbies, and maybe I’ll stick with them and maybe I won’t.

Whatever. It’s what I like to do. So the number of Macs I own becomes pointless, as long as I’m enjoying them and they don’t crowd out my roommate’s living space. You won’t understand my hobby any more than I understand your “American Idol” obsession, or your garage full of car parts, or the time spent on FarmVille, or your bookshelf full of books (well, I do understand that one).

Are they destructive? No? Then carry on.

Hobbies don’t define us. They help define us, as in, “This is part of who I am and what I enjoy doing. But it’s not the whole me.”

John Gruber and Merlin Mann, in their South By Southwest talk last year, said the moment you know you’ve got a blog topic is when you talk about something so much your friends tell you to shut up about whatever it is you’re talking about.

That’s what I did. I started a blog about retro Apple stuff, and it gives me an outlet for my hobby. Best part: I don’t have to shut up about it. People actually read what I have to say. It’s one of their hobbies, too.

So I’m not alone, even though sometimes I feel like I am, since my circle of friends roll their eyes when I start in with Mac stuff. It’s probably why I glob on to people who are interested. I remember seeing a G5-era iMac in a Chelsea market a few months back, serving as the store’s register/inventory home base, and struck up a conversation with the owners. That happens rarely, but when it does it’s memorable. Online, I can have that conversation every day.

You’ll have to pardon me when I do start mentioning Mac-related things that interest me. I’ll do the same for you when when you dig out your Beanie Baby collection and start talking about thread counts and quilting and riding your Harley on a warm summer’s day.

In the midst of all that, I’m sure we’ll find something talk about.

Office Pod

February 25th, 2010

Office Pod

Of course they’d use Macs in such a sleek working environment.

[Via ISO50 Blog.]

Newton quote of the week: the long haul

February 4th, 2010

“I am sure that, with proper care and feeding, I will be able to take out my current Mac, an almost 3 year old Macbook, from the basement 10 years from now and reminisce in the same way. I am sure it’s utility may be no less – despite the fact the world may have changed around it. It will likely be enough for me for a long time to come.”

Minimal Mac. Right on, and the same is true of Newtons. I read about users turning one on after years on a shelf and all their data is still there, intact.

The hello Show: episode 2

February 3rd, 2010

The hello Show podcast

Sir David Kendal has finished uploading episode two of our The hello Show podcast, “It’s the Newton Killer” (hardy har). We talk Helvetica, the iPad, David’s iBook vs. iPad buying decision, and my own fussing about with an LC 520.

As soon as iTunes fixes itself self-awarely, we’ll post it so you can subscribe.

UPDATE: We’re now live on iTunes. Check it out.

Introducing: The hello Show

January 26th, 2010

The hello Show

When I bought my first iPod, the first 30 GB video version, podcasts were immediately appealing to me. It was like a talk show I could listen to any time I wanted on any subject I wanted. Over the years, I’ve developed a collection of favorites.

Which is why it’s pretty neat that Newton Poetry reader David Kendal asked me to do a podcast of our own.

So we did one. And it’s out there. We call it The hello Show.

It’s about all the stuff we’re into: Newtons, Macs, the Apple world that we tend to spend an inordinate time thinking about. Probably just like you.

We have a super-simple setup. GarageBand (and, on the other side of the Atlantic, Audacity) plus iChat plus an FTP account – with some of David’s web wizardry – is all we need. So far. We’re definitely learning as we go.

Anyway. Give it a try, if you like. We know there’s plenty out there to listen to, and we’d be honored if you spent an hour or so with us. Shucks, we’d love to have you on The hello Show. If you’d like to be a guest, please contact us and we’ll set something up. It’ll be fun.

Oh. And why “The hello Show?” After a lapse in brainstorming, David sprung the idea of the “hello” text that was featured in the original Macintosh and the iMac advertising. A great idea.

NewtMail: Molar Mac for sale

January 11th, 2010

Got a fun e-mail from Oklahoma:

Just came from your Newton Poetry site and saw your remarks about the Molar Mac. I have one that I would like to sell. I’m moving and as you mentioned this beautiful Mac weighs about 60 lbs. I LOVE this Mac. Mine is a 233 MGH and it has two SCB ports, so I was able to use a flash drive with it. Also has a working floppy drive and a non-working zip drive. Otherwise, it is in great condition and works great. I do not think it was ever used in a school. I got it from a graphic designer. It’s loaded with Photoshop, Illustrator and Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. Do you know anyone who would like to buy a great Molar Mac and who would be willing to pay the shipping cost to receive it???

Marilyn in Tulsa

If anyone’s interested in owning a great piece of recent Mac history, drop me an e-mail and I’ll give you Marilyn’s contact info.

Rustic PowerBook

January 7th, 2010

Rustic PowerBook

Crunchy-granola type of work environment.

I’m guessing it’s a PowerBook because of the open button on the front, and the lineup of I/O ports along the left. Am I right?

[Via Ffffound!, via 2 or 3 Thing I Know.]