June 21st, 2010
Funny how one little driver can set your plans back.
Here I was, all ready to begin the week-long experiment using nothing but classic Macs and Newtons, when I discover that I lost my Entrega serial-to-USB dongle’s driver disc. The CD came in a little white envelope and was next to a bunch of other RAM sticks, adapters, Firewire cords, and software CDs. Now it’s gone.
A search through the Internet yielding absolutely squat, and the Newtontalk list didn’t offer any suggestions. The closest I came was one of those sleazy driver sites that makes you wade through stupid ads to get to what you need. When the driver download came up, it still wasn’t what I needed.
Apparently, Entrega was bought out by Xircom, who was in turn bought out by Intel. Intel posts a bunch of downloads for the old Entrega/Xircom adapters, but only an old manual for the one I needed (model U1-D8). The driver is nowhere to be found.
The Entrega adapter was a marvelous piece of technology, helping me to connect to my iMac G3 and becoming my go-to gadget for all things Newton. Even though it’s a USB adapter, it needs a driver to operate correctly. And the usual Keyspan adapters don’t work on my pre-OS X Macs.
My hope in this system 7 experiment was to have my PowerMac G3 run as the hub of the whole operation, syncing my Newton, doing most of the heavy lifting, and connecting with the outside world. It’s true that I could simply connect my Newtons with my iMac G3, but I’d rather have just two Macs running during the experiment: the PowerMac, and the LC 520.
So everything’s on hold for now, until either that Entrega disc shows up (after a fifth or sixth sweep of my apartment) or I give up and go with the iMac for everyday tasks.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 12:53 pm on June 21st, 2010. Categories: lowend. Tags: adapter, classic, eMate, entrega, G3, imac, intel, mac, newton, powermac, serial, USB, xircom. Subscribe via RSS.
October 21st, 2009

After the new iMacs, MacBooks, and Mac Minis were released yesterday, I couldn’t but notice Apple posted an evolutionary progression of the iMac models. The all-in-one, Apple says, was a “great idea.”
Except it was missing one: the poor iMac G3 line.
So here it is added. I also celebrated the iMac relaunch with a new iPhone wallpaper. Enjoy.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 4:46 pm on October 21st, 2009. Categories: macs. Tags: apple, evolution, G3, g4, imac, intel. Subscribe via RSS.
September 1st, 2009

Here’s an Intel iMac caught in the wild – held up by a cool modern table. IKEA, maybe?
Thanks to Thomas Brand for reminding me what the different is between an iMac G5 and an Intel iMac: the iSight camera at the top.
The new, aluminum iMacs are gorgeous, but I’ll always be partial to the gleaming white iMacs, starting with the Snowy White G3s, of the PowerPC era.
[Via Ffffound!]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:10 am on September 1st, 2009. Categories: macs. Tags: apple, imac, intel, isight, mac, macintosh, white, work, workplace. Subscribe via RSS.
August 18th, 2009

Another entry from the “iMacs in the wordspace” desk – this time either a G5 or Intel Mac.
Love the chair, but I wonder how comfy it is?
[Via Design Sponge.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:39 am on August 18th, 2009. Categories: macs. Tags: G5, imac, intel, mac, macintosh, office, workspace. Subscribe via RSS.
June 8th, 2009

Author Peter Straub at his workspace, using either a G5 or Intel iMac.
The Where I Write project has a bunch of great sci-fi author photos taken in their workspace by photographer Kyle Cassidy. I always find it fascinating to see where other people do their creative work. How many Macs can you spot?
[Courtesy of Neil Gaiman.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:16 am on June 8th, 2009. Categories: GTD, macs. Tags: G5, imac, intel, mac, peter straub, photo, scifi, write, writer, writing. Subscribe via RSS.
March 5th, 2009

Isn’t it wonderful how well the G5 and newer iMacs fit into a modular workspace like the one above?
Check out more great workspaces at The Shelby.
[Via ISO50 Blog.]
Posted by davelawrence8 at 6:14 am on March 5th, 2009. Categories: macs. Tags: design, G5, home, imac, intel, mac, office, work. Subscribe via RSS.
June 6th, 2008

Stressed about the “one more thing” that will be announced this Monday, June 9 at the Worldwide Developers Conference? Fear not. We have a round-up of rumors, damned lies, and fun games to play while you’re waiting for the next big thing.
A Newton 2.0? That’s on the list, kind of.
WWDC ’08 Keynote Bingo. Ars Technica always does a nice job at this. I’m hoping for the top two corner pieces.
Snow Leopard strays from PPC. This one was first featured at TUAW.com, but the Cult of Mac guys really touch on what a change Mac users have seen from the days of OS 8 and 9 to now. In short, “The Mac is dead. Long live OS X.”
From .Mac to MobileMe. John Gruber did some snooping and found the new domain names Apple registered. People have been bitching about .Mac for years (I had it for a year, and it was…eh), so this could be pretty exciting.
WWDC banner pictures. That’s right. They’re up, and the speculation is flying. OS X iPhone, anyone?
Newton 2.0. This one has been like Lazarus. A new MessagePad in the form of a Mac tablet? Supposedly, there’s a 50/50 chance. But we’ll see. After all, Apple is shopping for handwriting engineers.
Oh, and that rumor. You know, the one everyone knows is coming. And the iPhone 1.0 is undergoing drought conditions. What else could it be?
I’ve decided not to participate in any of the live blogging feeds or constant refreshing of Apple news sites. I’m going to wait until the Quicktime video is released (which I watch faithfully anyway), just so it can all feel new and “just announced” to me. Should be fun.
Posted by davelawrence8 at 7:06 am on June 6th, 2008. Categories: rumors. Tags: apple, bingo, intel, iphone 3g, keynote, mac, mac tablet, mobileme, newton, newton 2.0, power pc, ppc, snow leopard, steve jobs, WWDC. Subscribe via RSS.