Posts tagged “video”.

NewtVid: Year-old Newton at MacWorld ’94

May 21st, 2008

Boy, that first guy, Stewart, reall is grumpy, isn’t he? By this time, PDA (or “palmtop” as the reporter says) technology was in the “Model T” stage, as Tim the Analyst says in the video.

Neat to see the Windows 3.1 desktop there, as well as real, live people actually working with the Newton. Talk about retro.

NewtVid: Newton stars in iPhone commercial

April 29th, 2008

Funny. I like how the Newton talks in the old Mac OS’s Mr. Roboto voice.

Nice dig at the Zune, too.

NewtVid: Mac @ work, via the Tragically Hip

April 23rd, 2008

Demigods in Canada, and virtually unknown in the U.S., The Tragically Hip are the greatest live band I’ve ever seen.

So it was a heckuva treat to see some classic Macs sitting at the desks during the Hip’s “My Music at Work” video:

Gord's Mac at work

Gord Downie, the lead singer, has either a classic 128/512k Mac or a Mac SE – I can’t make out which. The video seems to be a rip on the drudgery of work, but they picked the wrong computer to represent such an idea; a Packard Bell would’ve worked much better.

The Mac-inspired office environment

They look like they’re having some fun, thanks to Gord, though I bet an office environment would be infinitely better with a Mac SE at every desk.

NewtVid: the Newton Virus

April 11th, 2008


I had my own bit of fun for April Fool’s Day, but this is a hoot: a “virus” that makes…well, just watch.

Love the name!

// Originally seen here.

NewtVid: Tech Soup’s Apple logo proof

March 31st, 2008

The fun kids over at Tech Soup told me they ran an experiment to see if it’s true that Apple’s logo makes people more creative. Looks pretty convincing to me.

Thanks Alison!

NewtVid: Apple’s ‘Getting Started’ video

January 30th, 2008

There it is. The video that launched a green revolution. Well…not that green revolution. The earlier one.

Love the haircuts.

NewtVid: Retro iPhone?

January 23rd, 2008

This is hilarious. This guy got his iPhone all right – complete with handwriting recognition, calculator, and monochrome battery-saving mode. What a hoot.

NewtVid: Fun with 4,000 Newton modems.

November 30th, 2007

Don’t you wish you had 4,000 Newton modems to play dominoes (excuse me, “modemoes”) with?

Says MacLife:

When the engineers at Apple’s Newton division weren’t polishing up their resumes, they were going for the world record in Newton modemino setups.

[Courtesy of Cult of Mac.]